
A quote about a smile is on every spread in this little notebook. Choose whichever quote you like best. On your spread (two pages facing each other) respond to the quote. Collage your feelings. Illustrate how a smile makes you feel. Write about how it applies to your life.

Please use both your pages and just those two pages for that quote. If you want to do two quotes (two spreads) you can.


More images:

Peculiar Hobbies, Habits, or Pastimes

I consider myself a connoisseur of peculiar hobbies, habits, and projects. I once made a cardboard chair that I liked so much I even moved with it to another state. I constantly pick up rubbish on the street to craft wind chimes. I run my car on vegetable oil. I knit socks, but never in pairs.

Contribute something your peculiar hobby, habit, pastime, project, or trait to this journal, then pass it along. Your contribution may be a story, a description, a picture, an artifact, or any other imaginative rendering. I would like to have the journal back when it is full. If your entry is the last please contact me: my profile.



More images:

This journal is no longer travelling – returned to creator.

The Trip I Never Took

I’ve been a lot of places, but here is a trip I never took. This is a Frommer’s Travel Planner Journal. I bought it at Savers, to plan a trip to Washington DC for the summer of 2007. The trip was canceled. You can read about it and see my notes. I wrote all over the maps for this project, not as part of the trip planning, you can too, use a different ink pen/color than mine. The front pocket has some items, use them as you will. ADD something new. Place your business card in the back or alter a fake credit card, I did. Relabel the tabs, list the states and places you have been. Tell us about your USA or abroad travels. Tell about the trip you never took, or one you want to take. Add a postcard or take a postcard for any reason, any state. Cut up a map and paste. Have fun. Dont alter others work. The front maps and cover are the free zone. Please add a yarn, ribbon or fiber to the elastic strap that keeps it closed.
Pleas return finished book to 8izenuff when you are finished. Please only keep two weeks, dont mooch it if you are too busy. ISBN is TRIPNEVERTOOK Relist it so others can have a turn.

– 8izenuff

This journal was marked lost in the post in  2009 but appears to have resurfaced.