More Important Things To Do

This is a collaborative art book to be created over the pages of one of my old calendars/planners. I’ve started by adding some things to each page. I also made some chunks of pages into big thick pages and some are left as is. Feel free to cut/add/subtract/alter to your heart’s content. Anything goes, just be respectful of each other.

CONTACT: 2littlewings erinpartridgeATgmailDOTcom
I’d love to see update photos along the way!

– Erin

Click on the blue underlined link in the journal description to see the slideshow. 


Thin Places

This journal was inspired by the book, Thin Places: Where Faith is Affirmed and Hope Dwells, by Mary Treacy O’Keefe, and by my family’s 2004 trip all over Ireland with the Mennonites–the beginning of my new journey with God. I’m including Mary’s book with the journal so that others may read it and then add their own “thin place” experience to the journal. May the signs of the divine become real in your life.

– Gail

Moon Magic (Birthday Books Vol 33 of 41)

With love and devotion, I dedicate this book as a tribute to the moon in all her aspect. Original Art, favorite myths, memories, etc. M/any moons and other artistic lunacy.

RE: Birthday Books vol 1-41. I was very excited to read about the bookmooch journal project as I usually celebrate my birthday with art/performance art madness related to the number in question. In August I will be a delightful 41 years wild. I have purchased 41 blank journals and am giving each individual themes. When all the wayward art has winged its way home to me, I look forward to a local celebration to share and enjoy these books with friends.

– zenfish