She said… (Birthday Books Vol 16 of 41)

Include your favorite quotation by a woman. Any topic. Any woman. Illustrate it if you’d like. Collage, calligraphy, doodle, cartography, in the style of luminous biblical script, hieroglyphs, photographs, in the style of a ransom note with letters ripped from magazines? Limited only by your imagination. When the pages of this journal are filled, please return it to bookmooch user: zenfish. Thank you.

RE: Birthday Books vol 1-41. I was very excited to read about the bookmooch journal project as I usually celebrate my birthday with art/performance art madness related to the number in question. In August I will be a delightful 41 years wild. I have purchased 41 blank journals and am giving each individual themes. When all the wayward art has winged its way home to me, I look forward to a local celebration to share and enjoy these books with friends.


More images:

as a slideshow:

and as stills:

Pg 1, Pg 2, Pg 3, Pg 4, Pg 5, Pg 6, Pg 7, Pg 8, Pg 9, Pg 10,
Pg 11

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