What’s Has It Gots in its Pocketses? (Birthday Books Vol 39 of 41)

In the style of interactive children’s books, each page will have a working pocket made by the artist with whatever materials strike their fancy. And inside the pockets? Mmmmm who knows what it has in its pockets?

When the pages of this journal are filled, please return it to bookmooch user: zenfish. Thank you.

RE: Birthday Books vol 1-41. I was very excited to read about the bookmooch journal project as I usually celebrate my birthday with art/performance art madness related to the number in question. In August I will be a delightful 41 years wild. I have purchased 41 blank journals and am giving each individual themes. When all the wayward art has winged its way home to me, I look forward to a local celebration to share and enjoy these books with friends.


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