A Year of Poetry Journal

This journal is full of blank calendar pages; mooch it and add your poems! When the journal is full, contact me (BM username: milano) and I will mooch it back off you.

Please fill this journal with poetry – by a famous or infamous poet, or your own unique creations. You can pick any day, or even 2 or 3 – your birthday, a holiday, a particular poet’s birthday or just any old Tuesday! I’ve also added some colorful blank pages in the front and back for more poems. Feel free to add illustrations or other artwork with your poems, too. Don’t worry if your poem takes up more than one day – there are plenty of days for all.

Also, please do not change or alter anyone else’s entries and keep within the two week mooch window time limit. After you are done adding your poem(s), please put the journal back into this same page I’ve created for it here at BookMooch so someone else can mooch it and add to it, and when it is full, please contact me to arrange its return me.

Most of all, just have fun!
