Any One Topic

This idea is borrowed from the “What One Book?” feature in Bookmarks magazine. Just choose one topic that matters to you and list as many books as you can think of to recommend on that topic. Illustrate your list in whatever way you find suitable. Please return the journal to me when it’s finished. My email address is


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as a slideshow:

and as stills:

Pg 1, Pg 2

The Ultimate Shopping List

Oh, my! The fridge is empty! The cupboards are bare! The wardrobes are wanting and the linens are worn!

Hey, we all need things from time to time, right? So here’s the deal – we’re making the ultimate shopping list. The rules are simple – add an item to the list, give that item an illustration, then send the journal on its way within two weeks.

That’s it! So have fun! Stay safe! Stay sane! And don’t forget – you’re out of toilet paper.

– Em


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